Friday, August 03, 2012

Five Minutes: Here

Each week Gypsy Mama chooses a word to write about for five minutes. No editing, stream of consciousness. Today's word is: Here.

Ready.  Set.  Write.

You are Here.  Those are three sweet words when you are lost in the maze of a local mall, or hospital and have no sense of direction.  Or, like me, have gotten impatient trying to find where the Starbucks is in the mall when having java withdrawals. 

We live in the here, but I seem to focus more on the before or what's to come.  I seem to never be content in the here.  I reflect on my past and relish the great memories and how I miss some of those good times that are long gone.  I think of my Mom and how I'd love to spend time with her again doing those everyday things we used to do.  When I went thru the Wendy's drive-thru today to get my oatmeal, I saw an ad for a Strawberry Shortcake parfait and immediately thought of my friend, Jan, and her love for Strawberry Shortcake and how I wish she was here to enjoy one with me. 

I look to the future.  I focus on things I don't have, the things I haven't accomplished. That ever-changing bucket list of what I want to do before I die.  Yet, I struggle with not being content with the here.  How do I longingly hope for the blessings of the future, yet be fully content in the here?  This is today's puzzling question.  But, I know that with the hope of eternal life, my yesterday's are forgiven, my future is secure, and my here should be abundant.


Sarah said...

I too struggle with contentment in the here, and I always try to be like Paul, who was content in every circumstance, but it is so hard! Keep praying and God will keep changing your heart to be more "here."

Anonymous said...

Oh Rosie! Loved this last line especially: "But, I know that with the hope of eternal life, my yesterday's are forgiven, my future is secure, and my here should be abundant." Beautiful words, sister!