Monday, September 01, 2008


My friend, Amy, has recently been dealing with loss or the reminder of loss. She caused me to start thinking about that and the word...separation....which is really the consequence of any kind of loss. Webster's defines it as "a point, line, or means of division." The word and definition are bleak.

I pondered on this as my PVD (post-vacation depression) took longer to get over this year, primarily because of the wonderful time I had with the Todds. It reminded me how much I miss them and savor those times, no matter how simple, we have together. That led me to think of all the people in my lives I'm separated from...

...Chad and Georgia ...Alisa...though just in Lexington, it feels farther Alabama South Carolina
...Regina....on the mission field in East Asia Virginia
...a ka-zillion other friends who've left Louisville for places near and far that I rarely speak to or see
...and a plethora of loved ones in Mom, Granny, Granddaddy...the list goes on

Reflection on this made me realize that in the beginning, separation wasn't something we would experience. God's plan for our life in the Garden was to be in communion with Him and each other. A veritable paradise forever. Then sin entered the Garden and separation was introduced to the world. We became separated from God. When I long to have everyone I care for and love present and reachable in less than one hour, I realize that will never be attainable on earth again.

For those who are believers in Christ, I know if I never see them again on earth, I'll join them one day in Heaven. That is one of the many appealing things about my eternal life in Heaven and one of the things that should motivate me to share the Good News much more than I do. And I can have that promise because, even though sin separated me from God, because He loved me so much He sent His Son to die for me, and because of Jesus' sacrifice, I am no longer separated from God.

"For I am persuaded that neither death, nor life, nor angels or rulers, nor things present, nor things to come, nor powers, nor height, nor depth, nor any other created thing will have the power to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord!" - Romans 8:38-39

It's so comforting to know that one day the word "separation" will be erased from my vocabulary.


Amy said...

Thanks, Boo! That wasn't so bad! (wink)

I know that when you view these things in light of an eternal perspective, that the issue is just one of patience. Sometimes, though, I don't feel like being patient. :)

In the meantime, we have much for which to be thankful. God is gracious and extravagantly good to us! You're way up on my list, friend. Thanks for the "word hug." xoxo

Alisa said...

We MUST see each other. My life slows down in a week - plans will be made!

This was a beautiful post, Rosie. I have to remind myself my Dad is still living, just now with Jesus instead of us.