Friday, August 24, 2007

Friends, Family & Faith

A couple months ago my church created a DVD to give out to visitors and people in the community curious about our church. Sometimes videos like these can be kinda cheesy, but this one is really good...even when I view it through the eyes of someone who hasn't been a part of this church her whole life. The tagline of the video is "Friends, Family & Faith" which is a pretty good summary of what this church has meant to me.....


Carol Woolum Roberts said...

That was a great video. I just heard last week that our church is working on something similar, so I am going to show this video to those working on it and give them a good example. Thanks for sharing your video, and thank you Lord for leading me here:)!!

RosieBoo said...

If you need the name of the company that produced it, I can get that for you....they are in Alabama somewhere. Good luck with the video!