Friday, November 18, 2011

Five Minutes: Grow

Each week Gypsy Mama chooses a word to write about for five minutes. No editing, stream of consciousness. Today's word is: Grow.

Ready. Set. Write.

In the brisk of the cold this morning, the beauty of it all was seeing the sun shining brightly. It's November 18 and we're on the cusp of the winter season where days are short, the air is cold and sometimes snowy and the creation outside dies off and prepares for re-birth in the Spring. Oddly our word today is grow, which isn't something I'm thinking about in this season.

But, if I look at myself, I know that there is growing going on. Over the past three months my work life has been turned upside down. I am ever so thankful for a job, but it truly has consumed almost every waking moment as one company merges into another and good-byes to folks are said and hellos are made to new co-workers. This isn't my first rodeo but no matter how many times you go through this, there are always new things to areas of growth.

I can hardly believe that Thanksgiving is next week and Christmas around the corner as my focus is truly off the reason for the coming season. Yet, I know that even in the midst of that my God is growing me. Teaching me He is always in control. Reminding me that nothing takes Him by surprise. Revealing Himself to me through circumstances in my life, the words from His Scripture and from the encouragement and counsel from sweet friends that comes right on time. Yes, it's cold and wintry weather is blowing in, turning all green things brown. But I rest in knowing that when nature is sleeping and waiting to grow, I am still growing.


Beth said...

What a wonderful contrast between the mundane things of life and God's ability to use the mundane the bring growth! Happy Thanksgiving!

Jennifer Camp said...

Yes, we are still growing -- ever changing, ever more becoming more like Him. Bless you as you help us see and choose Him! Gratefully, Jennifer