Wednesday, January 07, 2015

Table Topics: Frigid Wear

The temperature is dropping and it's winter time folks!  Here in the Ville, we expect a low of zero actual degrees tonight...all the more reason to watch the Cardinals play their first ACC opening basketball game in the warmth of my house.  

I'm a flip flop girl.  I was born and raised here in Kentucky, but I'd rather be wearing flip flops year round.  You'd think I was a Florida transplant.  Aside from that, I'm pretty keen on various clothing accessories for winter - scarves (fashionable these days), chapeaus (hats for you non-educated folk), gloves and various types of wraps (read: coats).  I'm a fairly warm-blooded soul, so I don't require a full regalia of these accessories when the temperature hits 40.  People, if you live here and you do, you might need to think about alternative locations.  But, as the red slowly leaks from the temperature gauge, I need to don some or all of the above mentioned items.  

For me, I normally don't wear gloves until it is a few degrees below freezing.  As the temperature drops, I'll add a scarf, just to keep everything tucked in and warm.  When it's really cold (like the teens or lower), I'll don a hat that was a very nice Christmas gift from my employer.  I normally don't mind wearing hats that, when ripped off your head, make you look like a zombie.  This is part of the blessing of naturally curly hair.  Just poof it back in place.  Of course, fashionable scarves are appropriate at any temperature.

Now it's time for our Table Topic:  

What "frigid wear" to you don when the temperature drops?

And won't feel like a Frigidaire if you have your Frigid wear! (Did you see what I did there?)

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