Friday, September 09, 2011

Five Minutes: Changes

I've chosen my own "five-minute word" today.  I normally link up to Sara who is the inspiration for the five-minutes posts, but right now, she is taking a much needed break.  Pray for Sara.  You may not know her at all, but read her blog and her bio and you'll find one of the most amazing women on the planet. 

Today my word is "changes."  Five editing...ready, set, go.

There was a time in my life when I loathed change.  As I grew older and change smacked me in the face, I realized the blessings that can come from changes.  Oh some changes aren't blessings - losing loved ones, declining health - but changes in many ways are refreshing.  After dealing with lots of change in my life, I almost lived to crave change.  But then there are some days I think I must be nuts for that kind of craving and should stick with chocolate.

When I reflect over my life I see the winds of change everywhere and think..."Wow, how did I get through that one?"  I quickly realize "only by the grace of God."  Recently I've dealt with a big change in my life.  The company I love and have worked for the last six plus years was acquired.  This isn't my first rodeo and I've been through this before, but always was one of the severed casualites.  This time, I'm not.  And, I'm blessed with a job, albeit a bit stressful in the midst of transition, but hopefully full of promising opportunities. I had to say good-bye to co-workers that were friends and even had to tell two of my own team they had to go.  And once again I reflect on how I got through that and realize the truth of God's Grace.  I press on living in God's Grace and knowing that God is never surprised and I am right where I am supposed to be for this season of life.  Until He decides the next change is ready to happen.

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