Thursday, May 15, 2008

Musings for the Week - Clean Teeth, Nutella, and Survivor

1. I had my six-month checkup at the dentist on Monday. Of all the myriad of doctors I visit, the dentist is, by far, my favorite. The quirky enjoyment comes from the fact that I have really good teeth. Only one cavity my whole life! I learned something quite valuable during this visit. The new hygienist at my dentist's office told me how to reduce the plaque build up before my next visit. Take my toothbrush dry before I begin brushing and brush the area most affected for one minute each time I brush. This technique is supposed to reduce build up by 50 percent. I'll find out in six months.

2. I heard some tragic news on Tuesday. The Pastor at FBC Bell Shoals in Florida, the home church of one of my friends, the Barretts, was killed in a plane crash on Monday. Forrest Pollock, 44, and his son, Preston, 13, were both aboard the plane when it crashed. He leaves behind a wife and five other children, all under the age of 16. I've been praying for this family and church since I heard the news. It's a stark reminder that life is but a vapor and we all need to be ready for eternity.

3. After backpacking through Europe for two weeks, one of my co-workers, Johanna, came back with lots of stories and pictures of their tours. She introduced me to a delicacy that I've seen in my local grocery but never had tried before - Nutella. This chocolate and hazelnut spread is to die for. I'm now hooked. She and her husband ate a lot of this while traveling on a budget and it's now become one of my favorite snacks or breakfast selections slathered on whole wheat bread. Since I'm on a kick to be healthy and lose weight (12 pounds to date!), getting a bit of chocolate in my day hits the spot. Don't be deceived; Nutella isn't health central, but a little bit once in a while is good for the soul.

4. I watched the Survivor finale last Sunday night. Of all the reality shows on TV, this one knows how to reinvent itself. After 16 or so seasons, it's still worth watching. This past season of the Fans vs. the Favorites was the season of blind sides. It definitely made for some good TV and keeps me coming back for more. And, for the romantics in the crowd, Ozzy's sappy speech to Amanda at the final tribal council was sweet and sets the course for the next Rob and Amber for the world to monetize.

5. When you've been single as long as I have, with zero prospects in the pipeline, you begin to wonder if you'd ever have that heart flutter, word fumbling feeling again. Well, I felt affirmed as I crossed paths with a guy this week that did just that. Now before my friends start planning my wedding, it's a mere passing flutter. But, it renewed my faith that I can still get that feeling. And, when the right guy comes along my heart is ready for action.


Anonymous said...

Smiling is something that comes most natural to us, when we communicate and socialize. It depicts our bliss and contentment in the most authentic and observable manner. . But thanks to “Custom Bright Professional Teeth Whitening System” now anyone can achieve an awesome smile with scintillating white teeth.

Amy said...

ROSE!!! Way to not resolve the chord! At all!

Katrina said...

You had me at Nutella. I love, love, love it on crepes!

Anonymous said...

Great Site - really useful information