My first Zachary love is Zach Quinto, who plays Sylar on Heroes. I'm an uber fan of this show, even though they have experienced a sophomoric slump this season along with the writer's strike. The character of Sylar is the super villian of the show, stealing people's powers by - brace yourself - slicing their heads open to extract the workings of the power from their brain. There is debate on exactly what he does once the brain is open, but let's just stop that visual right there. I was so enamoured by his ultimate powers that when I got a new computer on our company's network, I asked them to name it Sylar - the all-powerful computer.

Then there is Zachary Levi. My second Zachary. When the show, Chuck, premiered I was intrigued by the premise of the story line. Computer geek turns secret agent after downloading the CIA intersect file into his brain. There is something very Jim Halpert-ish about Chuck Bartowski. And who doesn't love Jim? Then, the clincher
came when my friend, Alisa, alerted me during her entertainment stalking that he professes to be a Christian. Now, what that looks like in Hollyweird is probably much different than we think, but it's a step in the right direction in my mind. Chuck is just fun TV and I'm happy to see the unassuming Zachary Levi benefitting from its success. I'm a sucker for a geek. Maybe it's because I've been in the technology industry for way too long, but there is something rather appealing about a guy who can reset my password.

Given that Chuck is shown right before Heroes on Monday nights, I'm in a literal Zachary heaven. If you know any single guys named Zachary, send them my way. Maybe I'll try the fan letter approach like Katrina....
I definitely agree with you about Chuck--he is adorable! (Of course, I have a well-documented love of geeks, which doesn't hurt) And Jim Halpert, well, don't get me started.
But Sylar? *shudder* You're on your own there (although I LOVE that you named a computer after him; how funny!)
Speaking of the divine Gerard Butler, did you see he has a new movie coming out? It's called P.S. I Love You and I can already tell it's one of my favorite movies ever. Now I just have to go see it!
Zachary Levi is absolutely adorable.
Coincidence that you're blogging about Heroes---I just became a fan of this show, watching the first season on DVD, and I mention Milo Ventimiglia on my Thursday Thirteen today!
Also, I mention the Phantom of the Opera movie on my TT today! I also have a big crush on Gerard Butler.
As for Sylar...I think it's a testimony to Zachary Quinto's acting skills that we hate Sylar so much. I do actually think Quinto is kinda cute.
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