This picture was taken with her Daddy's phone not long after her birth. When I got it Sunday morning, it brought a tear to my eye. How beautiful she is...really! Those heart-shaped lips are just precious. And, after talking to her via her Mommy's tummy for almost 9 months, I felt like I knew her already.
Emma was born one day after her Mommy and Daddy's 9-month wedding anniversary. She was a honeymoon baby and though not expected so soon, she's been loved and prayed for from the moment we knew she was growing inside of her Mommy. Mommy's poor tummy was rubbed, pushed, caressed, and talked to for the duration as we waited for Emma's public arrival. We all just couldn't wait to get our hands on her.
So many thoughts go through your head when a child is born....what she'll be like as she grows and her personality is revealed, how she'll be like her Mommy, how much of a Daddy's girl she will be, and will she truly embrace the Orange and Blue of Florida? But, one thing I know for sure is she has truly been blessed with a Mommy and Daddy that will raise her in the admonition of the Lord. A Daddy who has been the true spiritual leader of the family - leading, caring, and protecting Mommy, and now Emma. And, a Mommy (who celebrates her birthday today!) that will teach her daughter, laugh with her daughter, and will find, when Emma grows up, will have in her a best friend. May God richly bless them all.
To follow the life of Mommy, Daddy, and Emma.....read their blog for more updates....
I'm just happy she looks normal in her pictures. I was looking at some of the babies in the B section on BabyNet on Baptist's website, and my Lord some of those kids are UGLY! It's as though the nurses waited for them to get a freaky look on their face before taking the picture...
Lots of people in Cental KY are hoping the "Latest Little Gator" has another coach to root for after Billy D accepts the UK job! Sheesh, it's all everyone is talking about.
VERY CUTE baby, btw.
Love you, Rosie.
I've checked out a few of those myself...and I agree....Emma is far superior to most of the babies on there. Maybe we're just biased...
The Donovan commotion may be my next blog entry....stay tuned...
What a sweetheart! And you're right--that little rosebud mouth is so cute. :D Congrats to the whole family!
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