A few years ago, my friend, Teasha, was ironing some clothes and had an awful mishap that caused a burn on her hand. It didn't require a visit to the local ER, but her lamenting included the statement, "It's my wedding hand!" You see, she had burned her left hand and being the extreme planner that she is, she immediately realized that could scar her hand for future wedding pictures. You know, those "Two hands with the rings" picture. At that time, she wasn't dating anyone, but was concerned nonetheless. I'm happy to report her hand completely healed and she is ready to roll whenever she's blessed to be a bride. But, we still use it as joke material..."oh no, not your wedding ear!"...."oh no, not your wedding elbow!"...any chance we get.
Last Friday night, I made myself a grilled cheese sandwich. You can't beat two slices of whole wheat bread with fat-free American cheese to make a comfort food that's slightly health conscious. As I heated up the buttery skillet and began the ceremonial sandwich flipping, a dreadful thing happened. Some of the melted butter splattered out of the skillet and on to my
(gasp) wedding hand! Now, that wasn't my first thought, actually, but after it happened, I chuckled a bit. It wasn't bad at all, and after I wiped the splatters to avoid a kitchen fire, I was fine. That "I Can't Believe It's not Butter" sure acts like it's hot butter. I was tough enough to resist even putting ice on the tiny little red splotch on my hand.
By Saturday, my tiny red splotch had materialized into a reddish scar-like area and the funniest thing happened. That burn spot had developed into the shape of a heart. I smiled and realized that my wedding hand had now been tattooed with the symbol of love....a heart. I truly think it's a sign. Surely love can't be too far away.
...and for all the naysayers out there that may think I'm stuck in some romantical fog, I've included photographic proof...

I love it! It's fantastic!
Surely love can't be too far behind.
To top it off, you made me hungry for grilled cheese!
Yep, it's a heart. No doubt about it! Doncha just love little things like this? Miss you, Rosie.
how pretty!
i want one...
who knew burns might be the next fad :)
The heart"burn" looks even better in person :) This is definitely going to be your year Boo!
Dude! That boggles my mind! I always knew butter was good for something besides making things tasty. You got a tattoo without needles. Amazing...
I've been snickering to myself for 5 minutes because of Christie's heartburn pun. This really is funny, and definitely, definitely a sign!!!
WOW!!! I am staying close to you this year to see how this plays out. You go girl!!!!!!!!!
Update: It's been over a week, and the tattoo is still there...this is one scar that I'm not in a hurry to lose. :)
So, I have to be the smartaleck and ask...if your burn had morphed into Mother Teresa, would you have lopped off your hand to sell it on Ebay?? JUST KIDDING!!!! Seriously, how bizarre and cool is that? I know that the Lord makes good come from the bad, but who knew He would go about it this way..?...:O)
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