Wednesday, January 02, 2008

2007 Reflections

At the close of each year, I like to reflect back on the prior year and recap my life (and this blog's) events. Plus since I ruminate a lot, to honor my title, I need a good dose of reflection.

The year started off with a little kitchen event during the making of a grilled cheese sandwich that was obviously the foreshadowing of a year full of bumbles. This event, though, caused a lovely Heart Tattoo on my hand that I truly cherished.

In March, I was so thrilled to have a time of rest on Robinson Mountain. Mark and Sharon are sweet friends that mean the world to me and live in Nashville. Our initial meeting was providential and I'm so blessed to call them friends. And, they just celebrated a wedding anniversary yesterday!

The month of March ended with the birth of Emma Jean. Little did we know (or her parents) that a few months later her little sister would be conceived and expected to arrive just a couple of days before Emma's first birthday. Jane Adair is growing as I type and will make her debut in March 2008.

In April, one of the precious families in our church learned their 3-year old son, Nathan had stage 4 neuroblastoma cancer. It was definitely news that rocked our church. I'm happy to report that although Nathan has seen the darkest of dark times, it appears he has turned a corner. After many treatments, two stem-cell transplants, he is still pressing on. He starts radiation in January, but his smile just gets bigger. He's now four and counting down the days until he's five! And, I've seen true love shown through the actions of our church family toward the McLeans. Since the diagnosis, meals have been flowing to that family from our church members continuously. I'm proud to be a part of that family of God.

My annual trip down south occured in August as I headed back to the great town of Adel, Georgia. Chad and Tracy just spent a week here celebrating the holidays with family and friends. It was great to spend time with them, and I'd love to get to Adel more than once a year...and that looks better and better as I encounter 12 degree weather here today.

I had a lot of things break at the end of this year. I compiled a list in August, but the hits just kept on coming. I smushed my finger which was painful enough, until I did a faceplant on the way to the gym. Right before Christmas, my sewer backed up and although I didn't cover it on this blog, three days after that I had electrical problems at my house. And, on New Year's Eve, part of my mini-blinds fell down. Here's hoping for a safe and "together" new year...literally!

Amidst all the hoop-la, I was able to make a short trip to Chattanooga with my OPCs in October. With new babies on the way and other responsibilities prohibiting us from gathering very often, this short jaunt was cherished. It makes me look forward to eternity when we'll be able to hang out forever.

2007 was a good year. Better than words can express on this blog. I'm thankful for all of you who faithfully read this blog. I've now topped over 1200 pageviews a month, which still astounds me. I'm honored that other people would be interested in reading my diatribes. For me, it's merely living out one of my passions.

I look forward to 2008. I introduced Table Topics this year on the blog and hope to make that a regular feature. I love asking questions and hearing how people respond - it's simply fascinating. Offline, I am excited to see what this year holds. Years that end in "8" have always been good for me. Great things have happened. So, although I'm not completely supersticious (just a little), I'm counting on this year of 8 to be great.


Grace, Hope and Joy said...

Happy New Year Rosie!!!

The M Family said...

what a nice post hearing about your year in review! happy new year!

Katrina said...

I loved this wrap-up post! What fun to look back over the adventures of a whole year at once.

I like your idea of Table Topics. I'll have to be on the lookout for your next one!

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