Wednesday, September 05, 2007


I received a link to this video last week and this little girl is about the cutest thing I've seen in a long time. When I was little, I used to sing an old hymn called "Surely Goodness and Mercy" based on the passage in Psalm 23. I don't know that I was as cute as this little girl, but I know my Dad has it recorded somewhere on an old reel-to-reel tape. The title of this blog will make sense once you watch the video...


Denny Burk said...


That has to be the cutest thing I've seen in a whole bunch of long times.



Anonymous said...


bcl said...

That is just adorable. I saw that video at my church just before worship service not too long ago. She's got to be only like 4 or 5 at the oldest. I can't believe how good her memory was of that passage!

B.R.M said...

Real cute! Nice Blog!

RosieBoo said...

I don't know what my favorite part is...her giggling at the beginning...her "surely?"....or her big sniff right in the middle. :)