Friday, August 30, 2013

Five Minutes: Worship

Each week Gypsy Mama chooses a word to write about for five minutes. No editing, stream of consciousness. Today's word is: Worship.

Ready. Set. Write.

Worship seems like such a lofty word, but I've learned through my spiritual journey that worship is not only important, but occurs (or should occur) daily in my life.  When I first was part of a worship team (worship here being through music) my mentor worship pastor sat the eight of us down and said "You are the worship leaders in every service.  You help bring those in the congregation to the throne of God to offer worship."  Wow, talk about the heavy responsibility that put on my heart.  

That worship pastor was Michael Smith (not THE Michael Smith, but in my life, THE Michael Smith).  He still leads worship today at a church near Nashville that I often get to visit, but when I think of worship, and how to do it most effectively, his lessons are the ones I recall.  Worship is an act. It can be through music, through giving of our time and money.  It can be simply giving God glory.  

I long to understand worship even more than I do today.  I think I take my opportunity to worship for granted.  Lest the mountains and hill cry out when I don't.  

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