Ready. Set. Write.

When I began to disciple and mentor younger women, the first sweet soul I was privileged to grow with made a statment one day that rocked my world. "Rose, I don't think you ever sin." Whoa. Reality check. Yep, I sin. I'm the chiefest of those, as a matter of fact. Oh, my sin may not always be evident because the consequences vary, but I'm a sinner thru and thru. At that moment I realized that I wasn't being real. I wasn't being honest and open with her about my struggles. You see, I may seem the most open person in the world when reading my posts on this blog, but I go much deeper than the written word may ever show. And, I know how to put on the happy face that all is hearts and roses when things aren't as shiny as they may seem.
From that moment on, I realized that being real is of utmost important in growing relationships. The older I get the easier that gets because we develop more life experiences that show us how we aren't perfect and we'll make mistakes and sin quite frequently.
From one Rosie to another. I couldn't agree more. I love it when I meet someone who isn't afraid to be REAL. Have a great weekend. Rosanne
Love it! So true. What is the point of relationships if we can't be real and open and honest? Blessings to you!
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