Friday, July 10, 2009

Spiritual Dusting

I hate to dust. Maybe it's because of the knick knack overkill in my house and the long time it takes me to thoroughly dust everything. But, I just think it's the meticulous effort it takes to get rid of all those tiny dust particles. This doesn't bode well when I prefer a non-dusty home...means I have to do it. I can hear my Mom say from my younger years "There's enough dust there that obviously someone must be coming or going!" (For those not getting that humor...Genesis 3:19..."For you are dust, and to dust you will return")

Thankfully technology has invented these electrostatic wonders called Swiffers to help ease the pain of dusting. Using the various dusting contraptions, even the tiniest of particles gets sucked into the web of electrostatic-ity. It still doesn't make me enjoy dusting, but it helps ease the pain of getting into every nook and cranny.

This made me think about my prayer life. When I pray daily, I have a typical process I use to make sure I "cover all my bases" and then I sprinkle in other things as the Spirit leads. But I know, just like when I dust, I don't get into every nook and cranny of my heart. I fail to pick up those lingering sins in the corners of my soul that I just don't want to look at because, well, maybe they'll just go away. Or maybe, there are things floating around in my heart that I can't get my soul around. Like a teeny tiny dust particle my dust rag won't pick up and I resort to that long-handled Swiffer, these soul particles are deep burdens and desires that my lips cannot lift to the Master. I need a Spiritual Swiffer. And, I have one....

"In the same way, the Spirit helps us in our weakness. We do not know what we ought to pray for, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us with groans that words cannot express." - Romans 8:26

When the caverns of my heart are dusty and I've expressed all the energy I have to clean and purify my heart, it is so good to know the Father has provided us the Spirit to help us with that spiritual dusting. My unconfessed sins, burdens, hopes, desires and dreams are all drawn to the Spirit who "swif"-tly takes them to the Father in ways I could never express. What a glorious thought.


  1. Great post! Thanks for sharing your thoughts. I have some spiritual dust, too.

  2. This is a great example of why I love reading your blog.
