Friday, December 29, 2006

And That's the Way it Was...2006

This morning, the Today Show did their annual video montage of highlights from the past year. I'm quite the Today Show fan and I'm a sucker for any year in review spots, especially from a show where I've experienced most of them. I thought I'd take a look back over the year, from my blog point of view...what happened in me and others? And, what did I report on....

January - My year kicked off with a great celebration at a local bowling alley, and a somewhat awkward encounter with a former acquaintance - of the single man persuasion. I predicted this might dictate my year of relationships of the romantical kind. Um, yeah, that pretty much summed it up.

February - The great Don Knotts passed away. I never tire of chuckling at a good episode of Andy Griffith and his escapades with Barney Fife. What a loss.

March - I had yet another registered letter delivered to me in error and a fender bender in my parking garage. Someday, someone from Romania will come over here stalking me if the Postmaster General doesn't finally tell someone it's not me.

April - To keep with the Today Show theme...Katie Couric announced she was leaving and Meredith Viera announced she was taking her place. Katie wasn't my favorite, but messing with the groove of my morning show wasn't something I was looking forward to...but time has shown Meredith is a great replacement.

May - Winnie the Pooh got a star on the Walk of Fame and Taylor Hicks found fame instantly as the newest American Idol. The connection? They both are cuddly fellows.

June - My house was struck by lightning (confirming that it is easier to get struck by lightning than marry over 40). Speaking of marriage, I also enjoyed one of the best weddings ever by witnessing the union of Kyle and Ashley Barrett.

July - I reunited with an old (in time, not age) friend to spend a glorious day in Nonesuch, Ky. There is nothing like a friend that can pick back up with you no matter the miles or minutes that separate you.

August - I took a trip to visit my friends, Chad and Tracy, in their new home of Adel, Georgia, for my summer vacation. It was one of the best vacations ever. No need for huge theme parks or busy schedules - spending time with good friends is the best vacation ever. And, I ended the month with new eyes as I had successful cataract surgery.

September - We experienced "Flood 2006" in Louisville causing my road to collapse and an impromptu slumber party at my house. We still have barracades up where the road has been repaired but not repaved. I turned another year older becoming officially over 40. I truly wasn't looking forward to that, but had one of the best birthdays ever.

October - Stop the presses! I finally got published! Definitely one of the biggest highlights of my year. I'm still basking in the glory of it all but I need to focus on getting published the second time. I'd hate to be a one hit wonder. My church also celebrated 100 years in existence. Anything that lives to 100 deserves a big celebration.

November - I got yet another registered letter from the post office and quickly returned it to the Postmaster General. When will the madness end? And, I completed 80% of my Christmas shopping by the end of November.

December - I blinked and Christmas was here. I was thankful I did a majority of my Christmas shopping before December to save time for the parties and socials of the season. My favorite part of Christmas? Not necessarily the gifts, but spending time with family and friends, laughing and enjoying the bonds we have. And, my other favorite part was buying the gifts for the Operation Christmas Child boxes I filled and the Adopt a Family we had at my workplace. I would cease all other gift-giving to do more of that.

I hope your 2006 was a wonderful journey down the path that you trod. May God bless you greatly in 2007!


  1. Hey, Rosie! Happy New Year! Blessings for 2007.

    Love ya!

  2. Yes, Happy New Year. And I guess a blog IS a good way to review your year---I hadn't thought about that!

  3. Wow, that all fit into one year? :D I hope the new year brings you great joy and a few surprises (of the fun kind!)

  4. Lora,
    2007 is the time for your blog!

    I did it last year, and had actually forgotten until the year's a nice way to look back

    2005 was an even crazier year...I looked at 2006 and thought..hmm, this year was kinda slow. :)
