Thursday, October 19, 2006

Scene of the Crime

Yesterday morning I arrived at work after a long commute. I had to head to downtown Louisville via LaGrange to bypass a couple of accidents that had the main travel arteries clogged. All the way to work I had a weird feeling that something wasn't right.

I got to my office and turned on the light to find an interesting sight. My hard drive, keyboard and mouse were packed up and sitting in my side chair. My flat screen monitor was sitting on the floor, and the monitor stand was leaning against the wall. My first thought was "I'm getting a new computer" soon followed with "Maybe I'm laid off and didn't know it." Given my past experience, that wouldn't surprise me.

I've watched enough television and movies to begin sleuthing out what was going on. I realized that some papers and post-it notes I had at my computer were either in the trash or wadded up on my desk. The first sign this wasn't a job of tech support but some would-be thief. I headed back to talk to my boss and in the mean time the story unfolded...

Apparently the evening before, sometime after 6pm when I departed, an unseemly fellow was lurking around our office. Our cleaning crew noticed he didn't belong and questioned him, to which the less-than-astute robber said, "I'm with the cleaning crew." Our guy said, "Um, no you aren't, because I'm the cleaning crew." And, off the guy went, with my office half disassembled.

It's kind of a creepy thing, but I'm quite thankful no one was hurt. We recently had an assault about a block from our office - oh the joys of working downtown. We now have our doors secured at all times and a security sweep every evening. Nothing like a close call to make you realize you have no precautions in place.

As if that wasn't enough, on my way to church after work, I saw a crumpled up body on the side of one of the streets as I waited at a traffic light. At first I thought it was a bag, but then I saw an arm. Either someone was homeless and curled up sleeping, or wounded, or drunk, or heaven forbid, dead. I called 911 and they assured me a unit would go check out the situation.

This concludes today's episode of "Law and Order: Special Blogger's Unit"


Anonymous said...

Whoa Rosie, that kind of day would creep anyone out! Good thing God sent the real cleaning man around at the right time.

Lisa said...

Yikes - that would definitely give me the heebie jeebies! I'm glad he didn't take off with anything and no one was hurt! Thank goodness you've got an astute cleaning crew.

Lorie said...

Wow. Exciting times in the 'Ville... Not that we WANT this kind of excitement...

Speaking of homeless people, there's a guy friend of mine who EVERY time I'm out somewhere with him downtown---and I'm not kidding, it hasn't just been once or twice---gets stopped by a homeless person. It's weird, but kind of neat in God's economy, I think.

RosieBoo said...

Sandy & Shell,
We are very thankful God used our cleaning crew. And, our company is thinking about doing something special for them...

Rarely does anyone come downtown that they don't encounter a homeless person or a panhandler. It's quite sad actually...

Katrina said...

What a crazy day! I'm so glad no one was hurt and nothing was lost.

I thought I saw a dead guy laying in the bushes next to a bus stop on my trip to Las Vegas this summer. Just as I was pointing him out to my friends, he moved. Turned out he was only sleeping off a hangover.