Thursday, July 14, 2005

The World is Wild About Harry

Saturday July 16, the sixth book in the Harry Potter series, "Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince" will debut. This entry will not discuss the pros, cons, debates or value of the books and their movie counterparts. I'm one of the few people in the world that hasn't read the books or seen the movies. So, my uninformed person won't comment on the moral Potter debate.

But, what I do want to note is what this book series has done for reading. Amazon reports that this pre-purchase release is the largest ever in their 10 year history. Children and adults alike are expecting their shipped book, or planning to stand in line to be one of the first to purchase the next installment. In a world full of fast-paced technology advancements, it warms my heart that our world is excited about the bound printed page again.

My love for reading started when I got my first Weekly Reader order form at school. I remember coming home and sitting down with my Mom to see what books to order. My Mom was an avid reader (she even painted a Seuss mural in my elementary school's library) and loved helping me make my reading choices. Every summer she'd take me to the local library to participate in the summer reading program there. I loved it, I couldn't get enough of it. And today, given my busy schedule, I don't pleasure read as much as I would like, but it still provides one of the greatest escapes to my imagination and vehicle for de-stressing.

As much of a technology lover that I am, you can't beat the rush you get from going to your local book store, grabbing a book off the shelf, cracking the spine, and inhaling the fragrance of a new story to soak in. If you can find nothing good to say about Harry Potter, he at least has conjured up the love of reading in the hearts of millions.


A.J. said...

I will be in line at midnight Friday night, waiting to purchase my new Harry Potter book. You must read them, they are entertaining reads if nothing else. And yes, I have to work early Saturday morning, but the rush of being among the first to have a copy (much like seeing movies such as Star Wars and Lord of the Rings opening night at midnight) is a fun experience.

Dana said...

I agree. Reading is such an important part of life. It opens up new worlds and improves your brain power, I always say.

I finished the new Potter book. Very interesting...